This morning while I was in the church service, all of a sudden thought on “witness” crossed my mind. The reason for all of a sudden was as most of today’s church services were mainly focused on anticipated Thanksgiving celebration related topics. As a result, today no one either mentioned or uttered this word “witness” in any of the church services that I attended. Moreover, this word “witness” stuck in my head; therefore, I decided to write a short blog on this topic.

I’m sure if you have faced any legal battles like me, we know that how important the “burden of proof’” rule is in any court of law. We also know that it is the obligation to produce the evidence to properly raise an issue at a trial. Therefore, proof beyond a reasonable doubt is applied in any legal proceeding because the stakes are high.

How anyone can apply proof beyond a reasonable doubt without the evidence? Or, how anyone can produce the evidence to properly raise an issue at a trial? We know that failure to satisfy the “evidential burden” will ultimately result in the failure of raising an issue in a court of law. As a result, heavy duty is placed upon a party to prove or disprove a disputed fact.

As we can see that in order to win the trial, a party needs strong evidence. That is, one can bear witness. Without witness it is highly impossible to win a case. So, how can anyone find witness when faced with the worldly trials? Who is going to be the strong witness and provide voluntary services during one’s worldly trials?

In my opinion, having the strong witness increases one’s confidence to a higher level. That is, the confidence of winning the worldly trials with the help of true witness is required in one’s trial to be successful.

Where can we find the voluntary witness in this world? How many witnesses do we need to win the worldly trial? How confident one is with one witness in any court of law? Are not three witnesses better than one?

As we know many people are hesitant to appear in court as witnesses either out of fear or lack of knowledge, and lack of familiarity with the court system. However, personally I found out three witnesses who can provide me voluntary service for my trials. I’m confident to satisfy the evidential burden in trials, provided I trust them. Who are three witnesses?

In my opinion, at one point we all go through the worldly trial and as a result he or she will be faced with the “burden of proof.” Unless he or she can’t satisfy the evidential burden, there is no chance of winning the case. Therefore, one needs the true witness on whom he or she can trust to achieve the successful results.

In this context I’m referring to as: the “Holy Spirit,” the “water,” and the “blood,” who not only bear the witness, but also agree as one on earth (1 John 5:8 NKJV). Moreover, three witness also: the “Father,” the “Word,” and the “Holy Spirit” agree as one and bear witness in heaven (1 John 5:7 NKJV).

As we can see it is a “win-win” situation, since we not only have the true witness on earth, but also witness in heaven. Therefore, there is nothing to lose both in worldly and heavenly trials.

It is my prayer, and I hope that this blog can help people who are faced with all kinds of trails in their life. Your sincere comments and suggestions will be appreciated.
