Can Life’s Failures Sustain Faith In God?

Why failures in life discourage us to achieve the desired objective what intended to be? Why most of us give-up what we believe when faced with failures? Is it possible to avoid failures? Are failures in life hurdles for success? Can failures sustain one’s faith in God? Is there a contrast between failures in life and faith in God?

I think it is human nature that when a person faces constant failures to achieve the goal, sometimes it is hard for him or her to focus, and accomplish anything in life. However, there are some exceptional people in the world who overcame failures in life and achieved expected goals. I think we can learn many things from these great people since they are the role model for us. I am sure you know some of those great people.

At this point, it reminds me of two of my favorite quotes from Thomas A. Edison, who failed a number of times but never gave up. He stated that “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10, 000 ways that won’t work.” “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

When we are faced with failures in life it is hard to keep our faith in God. As a result, we see the decline in main denominational church attendees’ numbers, especially in so-called developed countries. I think we can be encouraged by great people from the Holy Bible who went through all kinds of hardship and failures in their life; especially, Apostle Paul (Acts 21) to keep up our faith in hardships and failures in life. Because God has an ultimate plan and He will reveal it in His own time.

I am reminded of another great person who had all kinds of failures but never gave up. His name is John Wesley, founder of Methodism. History tells us that John Wesley‘s missionary work in early 1736 in the colony of Georgia (America) was a failure. He was depressed and beaten. As a result, in 1737 Wesley returned to England. However, his Aldersgate “Evangelical Conversion” experience of May 24, 1738, in London, England led him to accomplish his goal successfully, not only in America but also throughout the world. It is very interesting to note that how John Wesley overcame with his failures through Evangelical Conversion and sustained his faith in God. He is one of the role models for us to overcome failures and sustain our faith in God. That is one of the reasons why I admire him.

Yes, we can sustain our faith in God, in spite of failures and hardship in life, because God has His plan. I hope and pray that John Wesley’s ministry continues to grow through the revival of Holy Spirit. May the good Lord give guidance to our leaders to continue His ministry. If you have any thoughts, please share it.