Who Was The Leader Of Many Social Issues?

The social issue is defined in one the English dictionaries as “an undesirable condition that people believe should be corrected.” One of the top universities in the United States of America (USA) listed a lengthy list of social issues or problems that are faced by people in the 21st century. Why there are many social issues in the 21st century, as compared to other centuries in the past? Or, why the number is increasing as opposed to decreasing in civilized societies? Who can solve these problems? Can the democratic system of government in a nation resolve these issues? Can political leaders solve these problems? If so, why the 21st century is faced with an increased number of social issues? Is there any negative correlation between the social and moral issues?

These are few questions pondering in my mind as I started to write this short blog post of one of the greatest leaders who fought for many social issues of his days in the 18th century. It is a known fact that many of the social issues were resolved by Christian, rather than political leaders. Christian leaders helped politicians to recognize and to resolve the social issues. A number of examples can be cited; however, at this point, I would like to refer one such leader known as John Wesley, the founder of Methodism.

As we know in the 18th century, John Wesley organized small Christian groups that developed discipleship and religious instruction. He appointed evangelists to travel and preach as he did, and cared for these people. Under John Wesley direction, Methodist became leaders in many social issues of the day, including the abolition of slavery. Had it not for his ministry, many more social issues will still be facing today throughout the world? This indicates that it was Christian leaders who first fought for the social causes and resolved the issues. The moral principles that are in the Bible guided them to resolve the social issues and also led others to follow it. In my opinion without the moral guiding principles, no social issue can be resolved. I think there is a negative correlation between the social and more issues.

I am sure readers of this article will realize, and identify the modern day social issues that their neighbors, friends, or relatives are faced with. I can identify a number of social issues that my own relatives are still faced with because they are not following the guiding principles that are in the Holy Bible. I am grateful to God because of His Word, which first came to our forefathers through Methodist ministry that helped us to overcome the social issues and resolve it so that we can be blessings to others. Yes, John Wesley was the leader of many social issues; therefore, I admire him and his work. What do you think about him, and what are your thoughts on the social issues? Do you think political leaders can resolve these issues without the moral guiding principles? Your thoughts and comments on this topic will be appreciated.