Why Reminder For Remembrance?

Today in the United States is the most solemn occasion as we visit cemeteries with flowers and flags where bodies of comrades’ who died in defense of this county are buried. Each soldier’s tombstone is a reminder for us the “value of freedom.” In fact, it’s an indication that there is no “liberty” without the high price.

For instance, according to the “United States military causalities of war” data the highest  number (750,000) of deaths are recorded for the American Civil War (1861-65) followed by World War II (405,399), World War I (116,516), Vietnam War (58, 209), Korean War (54,246), American Revolutionary War (25,000), War of 1812 (15,000), Mexican-American War 13,283), Iraq War (4, 497), Philippine-American War (4,196), Spanish-American War (2,246), and War in Afghanistan 2,216),  respectively.

Based on these records we see that the Civil War claimed more lives than any conflict so far in U.S. history. We also know that soon after the Civil War on May 5, 1868, General John A. Logan, called for a nationwide day of remembrance with flowers decorating the graves of soldiers who died in defense of their country.  As a result, initially, this day was known as “Decoration Day,” however, since 1966 under the direction of President Lyndon B. Johnson, Decoration Day came to be known as “Memorial Day.”

The historic cemetery’s many tombstones marking of soldiers are telling reminders of the sacrifices for our freedom.  Each gravestone is a reminder of the price that was paid for the liberty that we enjoy.  Moreover, in my opinion, it is a warning for us not to lose this privilege of freedom since the cost is high for the lives to get it back.

Any remembrance of deceased loved ones’ is painful. Today, as family members, friends, and citizens visit the cemeteries with flower, each soldier’s reminiscences about his or her life on this earth will be shared or heard. There are no words to express our sincere gratitude for all fallen soldiers for his or her sacrifice for this country.

However, from the eternity perspective for believers, we’re reminded of the free gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life for us on the cross.  According to God’s word “salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12 NIV).”

On this day let us commemorate this important event with a reminder that we’re free because of someone’s sacrificial love for us.   Happy Memorial Day!