Whom Should I Trust?

When a leader of an institution, organization, political party, friend, or relative is dishonest, our trust in that person will be shattered. In recent years trusting someone or any services that are being offered has become very difficult.

For instance, last month I was in a well know hotel in Chicago for five days. One early morning when I woke up, I couldn’t find my wallet, which I had kept next to my desk with other personal items before sleeping. It was the first time in my life that I had lost the wallet, and was shocking to me. I and my colleague, who was also a roommate for five days, searched every corner of the bed, tables, including the room. In fact, I was very much concerned about my drivers’ license since my personal identification was required at the airport for my flight back to New Jersey.

Immediately, I reported to the police and the hotel management and blocked most of my credit cards. Finally, I requested the hotel manager to send me a custodian so that he can remove and clean every section of the room while I was there. To my surprise, the custodian picked-up the wallet and showed me. How did this happen?

Whom to trust in this world now-a-days? Especially in this presidential election, when a person with lies and deception shatters our trust in that person. As we know on the back of a U.S. twenty dollar bill it states that “In God We Trust,” the official motto of the United States. Do the political leaders trust God?

In my opinion, the only answer is in the Holy Bible. As King David says “In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust, I will not be afraid (Ps. 56:4 NIV).” Jesus Christ said “do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me (Jn. 14:1 NIV).”

I was reading few articles about John Wesley, the founder of Methodism to write this blog. I came across this statement “I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation, and an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and save me from the law of sin and death.”

Yes, it is the known fact that except God, there is no one to trust in this world. My role model and mentor John Wesley did trust Christ, so do I. How about you? Please share your thoughts.