Who And Where Is The Shelter Of Storms?

What is a storm? What kind or types of storms do we encounter in our lifetime? Why are we concern and fear of it? Can we handle an unpredictable natural disaster? Are we prepared to face the storms in our lives? If so, who and where is the shelter of storms?

Storm by Webster’s dictionary definition is “a disturbance of the normal condition of the atmosphere, manifesting itself by winds or unusual force or direction, often accompanied by rain, snow, hail, thunder, and lightning, or flying sand or dust.”

As we know that it is a human nature that when we’re faced with any type of unexpected storm in our life, suddenly we feel an unpleasant strong emotion of fear caused by being aware of dangers.  This fear of the unknown can cause an emotional roller-coaster effect with all kinds of panics and anxieties due to loss of courage in our lives.  It is a known fact that among all kinds of fears, “fear of death” among human beings tops of the list in the world.  I’m sure when faced with an unexpected storm; constant panics and anxieties in ones’ life can have the ripple effect with all kinds of psychological and health issues, not only in his or her life but also in the entire family’s lives. Why is it so?

Last week when we became aware of two (2) deadly storms, that is, Hurricane Florence and Typhoon Mangkhut, most of us who know it’s consequences’ were concerned and frightened due to an anticipation of dangers and devastations in various countries, states, communities, and family lives, respectively.  Especially, families who faced these kinds of natural disasters in the past were once again panicked with a fear of the unknown.

In fact, the truth about a storm can “hit home” for people who went through in the past and faced with all kinds of problems in their lives. I personally empathize and sympathize with people who are currently faced with the natural disasters, because these incidences hit home in our own family, friends, and relatives since they faced a few dangerous storms in life.  I’m sure people who faced these natural disasters will concur with me!

The truth of the matter is, due to the nature of devastation and its damages scarred our family life emotionally.  Yes, the unpleasant situations and bad experience constantly remind me of the serious consequences of the emotional and financial damages in our lives.

For example, we don’t forget the date of October 29, 2012, in our lives, because when an unexpected “Hurricane Sandy,” also known as “Superstorm Sandy” hit our area during cold night time the devastation was huge. Especially, our neighbors’ large trees fell on the top of our driveway parked cars and house utility lines damaging not only the vehicles but also property and entire home heating system due to lack of electric power for all most three (3) weeks. This incident not only kept in an emotional turmoil but also put us in a financial hardship. During this adversity, no help was provided to us, especially our insurance claims denied under the “act of God” clause. Meaning, God caused this incident to happen in our lives; therefore, no human being could help us to this day! How can anyone who faced with an unexpected natural disaster grasp and understand the deep meaning of an “act of God?” There are many, including our families in New Jersey State (USA), who is still not fully recovered from the Hurricane Sandy’s devastation.

Similarly, how can we forget last (2017) year major Harvey, Irma, Maria, and Nate Hurricanes damage? Can we forget last year Hurricane Harvey’s devastation in Southeast Texas, especially the Houston metropolitan area? How about Irma’s devastation in Florida State? I don’t forget these major Hurricanes, because along with other families and friends, I was also concerned about our own family members, relatives, and friends who live in these states.

In fact, last year during the first week of September 2017, when Hurricane Irma landed in southern Florida State, one of my biological brothers and his family evacuated their home in an emergency situation, and drove hundreds of miles all the way from Miami, Florida to Atlanta, Georgia State to stay in our son’s apartment, after going through an unpleasant, helpless and hazardous conditions without any rest or peace of mind on the way. Like my brother, other families and friends in Texas, Florida, and Costa Rica (Hurricane Nate’s devastation) to this day are not fully recovered from the damages.

Recently, in my own family life, in addition to Hurricane Sandy’s (2012) devastation, beginning of this year from January 3, 2018 through middle of March 2018, due to one of the deadly winter storms known as “Blizzard of 2018” caused severe damages both to our inside and outside residential property, and to this day we’re not only unable to repair the damages entirely, but also not able to fully recover from the financial damages. What a hard lesson to learn in life?

As a result of these life experience, I’m always concerned not only our but also other families’ life in the world who are faced with unexpected natural disasters. Due to these facts, I decided to share my own experience and observations so that others may know that no matter how strong-willed, wealthy, powerful, smart, planned, educated, prepared, or religious etc., you are? One thing is for sure that irrespective of a high or underdeveloped countries’ status with all kinds of modern sophisticated technologies and tools with instant information through computer numerical modeling and live space satellite analysis results, no one can control the “Mother Nature actions.” Why is it like that?

Can you imagine? Within the same day, 2 deadly storms known as Hurricane Florence in the USA, and Typhoon Mangkhut in the western Pacific landed half a world apart. As we know that most of the western Pacific people are poor and vulnerable for these kinds of natural disasters than the USA families. However, when we watch the live news footage of both the western Pacific people and our Carolinas (i.e., North and South Carolina) families, who are now facing this natural devastation; it is unbearable for us to see and witness it! How can you explain and handle this kind of devastations in our lives?

When faced with an unexpected situation, up to a certain extent human beings are able to help and support, but it is very difficult for anyone on this planet to fulfill one’s emotional, financial, spiritual, and other personal damages caused due to the devastations.  Believe it or not, with my own experience, I noticed that the emotional damages are much worse than the material ones!

Where can we find a shelter or helper who can provide the full services to recover from all kinds of emotional and material damages in our lives? Who can explain an ultimate meaning, and real devastations in our lives? I don’t think in the modern days any well known psychologist, politician, doctor, scientist, financial adviser or even spiritual leader can provide the full services that needed for the damages caused due to various storms in our lives.

I’m sure, like me, you also must have heard, observed or noticed that whenever we’re faced with an unexpected natural disaster, God is being blamed, known as “act of God.” Yes, like many I do question when faced with an unexpected storm in my life. But I learned it hard way to live and survive after going through very difficult, but not a perfect life journey under the guidance of Spiritual discipline. Sometimes very hard to explain it! I don’t why?

It is also true that whenever an unexpected natural disaster strikes, it becomes a hot debatable political, scientific and theological subject matter in the world. However, based on my own experience so far facing with all kinds of storms and problems in our family’s life, I would rather not to blame the God of Bible, but to share an attitude of appreciation for His daily guidance and protection in our lives. Because His word teaches us that “Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? If you are not disciplined – and everyone undergoes discipline – then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it (Hebrews 12:7-11 NIV).”

I hope the following empirical evidence can answer to some of the aforementioned questions. As you may know that in the 21st century, except for few special interest groups, everyone is being blamed for the natural disasters, including the God of creation. I think some people have a hard time to know and understand the difference between God’s creation and human beings selfish destructive behaviors.

For example, how can a theologian, philosopher, scantiest or politician explain the “Great Flood” in Noah’s time as described in the Bible? What caused the “Great Flood (Gen. 6:9 NKJV)?” Why is there a rainbow in the sky to this day during the storms (Gen. 9:13 NKJV)? I don’t think there was any Global warming or environmental issues? Are there any explanations other than what we know from the Bible to this day by any in the academic and political arenas?

Yes, as per His word, from the beginning due to our sinful nature God punishes us. God said “I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless (Isa. 13: 11 NIV).” As we know God’s word clearly states that “He brings the clouds to punish people, or to water his earth and show his love (Job 37:13 NIV).”  “He punishes them for their wickedness where everyone can see them, because they turned from following him and had no regard for any of his ways (Job 34:26-27 NIV).”

How can we question God, when we constantly disobey Him? How is our stewardship towards the environment? Why are we polluting God’s creation, which He created clean and perfect? Just like Job in the Bible “What then shall I do when God rises up? When He punishes, how shall I answer Him? Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One fashion us in the womb (Job 31:14-15 NKJV)?”

The reality of life is that when storms strike, without any fear we need a shelter, so that we can recuperate after the major devastations. I’m sure as long as we live in this world, storms are granted, no matter who that person is? But who can provide us the real shelter? And where can we find it?

Based on many believers’ faith and trust in the God of the Bible since His creation, He has been the real Shelter in our lives, including ours. This can be validated by King David’s prayer “Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You. When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a shelter for me. A strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in Your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings (Ps. 61: 1-4 NKJV).”

Let us remember the recent storms victims in our daily prayers so that they can find the real Shelter in their lives. If possible, let us provide support that they needed at this time of horrible devastation. Yes, we can’t avoid storms in our lives, but we have a faith and trust in the God who provides us the full Shelter. We know that in this Shelter there is no fear or pollution. Shalom!
