What Is Free To Me?

Is there anything free for me, and for all of us? This question came across in mind this morning as I started to write this blog. As we know that in order to survive in this world our daily basic needs have to be met, which requires full payment for each service that we want. But it’s human nature that if there is any free service offered in the marketplace, we want to get it right away.

For instance, these days buy one and get the second one free has become one of the common marketing slogans and strategies in the commercial world. Do we really get the second item or service free? I don’t think so. It’s nothing but to convince people to buy more so that business can generate more sales revenue.

Then what is free to me in this world? Did anyone provide me free services? If so, who would that person be? As I was pondering on these questions, immediately one important person came to mind that is John Wesley, founder of Methodism. In fact, because of him and his ministry, I and our family received a free gift, which is acknowledging and experiencing “God’s grace” by faith in the living God in our daily life.”

I am told that Wesley emphasized on “God’s grace” that all persons are gifted of being saved by faith in Jesus Christ, that is, “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things (Rom. 8:32 NKJV).”

Yes, a free gift to me is God’s grace, which was first made known to my grandparents and parents through his servant John Wesley, and his ministry, and now me and my family continue to receive it; therefore, I admire him.

I am sure, like me, you also must have received this free gift. If so, please feel free to share it. Appreciated!