What Is An Awesome Name?

Is there any difference between an awesome and awful name? Is so why? How you and I got an awesome name?

Today, as I sat down to write this short blog, immediately an “awesome name” thought crossed my mind; therefore, I decided to write about it. As part of my quick research on this topic, I decided to do a fast search on these two words. With a curiosity, I searched the word “awesome” on Google. To my surprise, the results showed over 2 billion searches made within less than 56 seconds. I did a similar search for word “name,” and I got over 7 billion search results in less than 90 seconds. Why are these words so popular?

I am sure each one has an awesome name because of our parent’s love and thoughtful prayers. It is impressive and wonderful to have an awesome name, not only for himself or herself but also for the entire family. On the contrary, the awful name is horrible, unpleasant and very bad for the entire family and generation to carry on.

Why an “awesome name” is the most important one to the Christian families? My quick search results on this topic in the “Holy Bible,” indicated as “THE LORD YOUR GOD (Deut. 28:58 NKJV).” Yes, it is an amazing, enlivening, energizing, enlightening and powerful name. “Holy and awesome is His name because He has sent redemption to His people, and He has commanded His covenant forever (Ps.119:9 NKJV).”

How grateful we the believers should be to have this awesome name “the Lord our God,” who gave us “the bread of life” through His only Son Jesus Christ to each one and to our family member, who believes in Him (Jn. 6:35 NKJV). How thankful we should be to God’s servants who first provided this Good News to our forefathers so that we can have this “awesome name.” Therefore, I admire a sincere God servant who first helped and blessed our families to know and have this awesome name in our generation. I’m sure readers of this blog will recognize and agree on this awesome name. Please share your thoughts and comments, if you have any. Appreciated.