What Benefits Do We Recognize?

Is it possible for a person to live without any benefits in this world? Why are benefits so important in one’s life? What kind of benefits must one recognize?

As we know that without benefits it is very difficult to survive in these days. Each and every stage in our life, we’re dependent on various benefits or help to survive. Just imagine a baby growing up without the benefits of a parent help and support, a job offer without good benefits, or lack of retirement benefits when we reach a certain stage or old age in our life.

Yes, financial, health and physical benefits are required in our life, but which one should get the highest priority? Or can you and I recognize the highest priority benefit in our daily life? If so, which one comes first to our mind?

I think as we grow both physically and spiritually, we recognize many benefits and start appreciating the help we received so far in our life. This morning once again a thought crossed my mind about the benefits that I received from my parents. One such benefit is of my mother who at an early age thought me one of her favorite Psalms to memorize the whole chapter, which was 103, “Praise for the Lord’s mercies.”

I’m sure there are many people like me who have memorized this entire chapter since his or her childhood. However, one thing is evident that as we grow older, one particular verse from this chapter gets more recognition, which is “Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits (Ps. 103:2 NKJV),” because we received His benefits. In fact, when we think of our own childhood, and now our grown-up children, this verse becomes more meaningful in our daily life.

How blessed we are to have such parents, spiritual leaders, and godly people in our life, who provided needed support and help to trust in the Living God at the right time so that now we and our children can recognize His benefits in our daily life. As a result, we admire each one, who is special to us.

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