What Are We Longing For?

Can one’s longing be secret or open? Are our strong desires attainable? What our ultimate aspiration should be?

I think it is the human nature that we have both good and bad desires, but by default, bad cravings or abnormal desires are unhealthy for our body, mind, and soul. In the secular world, motivational speakers try to encourage people to achieve one’s desires with their own methods or paid programs. As we know most of the secular motivational programs are unsuccessful. However, we’re aware of the secret longings, which can be dangerous, not only to our health but also to our family life.

On the contrary, open longings or good ambitions can be healthy, and our desires can be attainable. There are a number of verses in the Bible that emphasizes on this word “longing.” However, God’s word says that attaining the good desires of our heart is contingent upon His blessings and curses for obedience and disobedience to Him.

For instance, Deuteronomy 28 provides the details of both blessings and curses. God’s word states that if we don’t obey Him diligently, and observe His commandments we can’t attain our desires. He said “your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people, and your eyes shall look and fail with longing for them all day long, and there shall be no strength in your hand (Dt. 28:32 NKJV).

God’s word says that when we obey Him and observe His commandments, the heritage of the righteous person shall have the desires of heart (Ps. 37:4 NKJV). This heritage or tradition of believing in Living God has been passed on to us by our forefathers. And we’re so blessed to have this “Good News.” In fact, Jesus Christ said “blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it (Mt. 13: 16-17 NIV).” Based on His word, our ultimate longing or aspiration should be to obey Him and observe His commandments, which I think and believe is good for our body, mind, and soul.

Had it not for God’s servants who first passed on this heritage to our forefathers, today we wouldn’t be having the faith in attaining our good desires of the heart. Let us thank and admire those God’s servants who provided this Good News to us.

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