Social Media Versus Society Encounter

Can social media fulfill society’s needs? Is it possible for any human communication that occurs through the use of two or more electronic or digital device, so-called social media, replace our basic needs? What happens to the digital devices, if there is no electricity for few days? How dependent are we on our electronic communication? Is there any difference between marketing and social media? What is the trade-off between social media and humankind?

As we’re aware that in recent years the social media has gained priority over humanity’s basic needs. As a result, the digital communication has only brought two or more faraway people close on a digital screen device, rather than bringing sincere closeness through a physical intimacy, friendship, or fellowship. Yes, it is one of the marketing tools, but can’t replace our basic needs? Why is this tool not useful for all purposes in our daily life?

For instance, on October 22, 2012, when Hurricane Sandy hit our area, many of us became helpless since our daily basic needs were not met. We had no electricity for more than 3 weeks. No cooking, bathing or computer use, and most businesses were closed. All the electronic devices were dead. I realized how humankind survival took priority over the digital devices. Some people were even unable to flush toilet, as they required electricity to pump water from his/her domestic supply well.

During my graduate studies, for the first time, I came across with Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of basic needs theory. It’s so true that human basic “physiological” needs must be first met. As per his theory, following the safety, belongingness, love, esteem, self-actualization, and self-transcendence must be achieved accordingly. How can modern day social media fulfill these needs, which is in a way trying to replace it?

It’s human nature that the “needs,” but not “wants” required in everyone’s daily life. This can help to form healthy living in a family, society, culture, or community. However, modern day social media, or “business model,” if you will, in many instances has replaced the true human intimacy, rather providing an artificial proximity on flat digital screens helping directly or indirectly the market or business world.

True intimacy has no monetary value, rather brings people closer together and helps to develop a friendship. This is one of the human needs that must be preserved and cherished through a close fellowship, rather than through emails, text messages, and weekly newsletters. We’re the blessed ones and beneficiaries of our spiritual leaders who became the role models in our lives in this effort. Let us keep it through a real fellowship, rather than just the social media.