How Revival Movement Changed Ancestor’s Faith?

I am sure like mine some of our extended family members’ still worship gods, other than the God of Bible. How did this happen? Since my adulthood days, I have been pondering on this question as to why not all of our ancestors’ family members receive and accept the Good News, and who first provided this message to them? Why some of my relatives are still left behind? In fact, had it not for our grandparents and parents decide to believe in the God of Bible, my family would still be worshiping other gods.

As I was contemplating on these questions, I ended up doing some research to get answers, as to who first provided the Good News to our ancestors. As I was reading some historical records related to this topic many thoughts came across. One of it was as to how a small revival movement started in early the 18th century in England by John Wesley, known to the world as “Methodist,” first crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and later crossed other Oceans throughout the world. As we can imagine that this is nothing but God’s plan, and there was His guidance throughout this revival movement.

History tells us that it was Robert Strawbridge, a Catholic, originally from Ireland, who first was influenced by John Wesley’s evangelical message in Ireland, and later in 1760 moved to America with his wife and settled in Frederick County, Maryland. Prior to Robert Strawbridge, in 1736 both John Wesley and Charles Wesley (brother) were missionaries to the colony of Georgia in America. However, it was Robert Strawbridge, who followed John Wesley’s footsteps and began preaching, and pioneered in the Methodist Protestant denomination on the American continent, and rest is history.

Who would have thought that the revival movements that started to make changes in early Church of England, which first led in 1620 Pilgrims to settle in, so-called New World (America) followed by Methodist ministry, which first brought the Good News across Ocean to my ancestors in the 20th century?

Had it not for John Wesley’s hard work, I don’t think most of our family members would be Christians. It is my prayer that rest of my extended family members also come to know the true God

Yes, a small revival movement, started a long time ago, changed our ancestors’ faith in the God of Bible; therefore, I admire John Wesley. How about you? Please, if you have any thoughts share it. Appreciated!