Who Received Continued Good Favor?

Have you received an extended good favor from someone in your life? Who showed kindness or helped you and your family in difficult times and hardships? Have you ever thought about receiving continued good benefits for you or your family? Did our forefathers receive good favor from someone whom they trusted?

I think the answer should be “yes” to all of these questions. Yes, because God of our father showed unending mercy to their children and future generation, since the day they believed in Him. As I watched the recent inauguration of the President of United States of America (USA), once again I was reminded of our founding fathers. Yes, our founding fathers were unique people known to the world as the “Puritans.” These were Christians, who wanted the Church of England to be purified of any liturgy, ceremony, or practices, which were not found in Scripture. Many of its members, so-called “the Pilgrims” had no hope, but to leave England, thinking perhaps in a new world they could establish a colony whose government, society and church can be based upon the “Bible.” Later this generation of people was able to form a new nation so-called “United States.” Yes, from our 1st President, George Washington (1789) to the current 45th President Donald J. Trump, all took the oath of office placing their hands on the Holy Bible.

Yes, God of our fathers extended His good favor to us, and how can we forget it? Yesterday, I had a privilege of speaking in one of our local Methodist Men’s groups. I was asked to speak on the topic of John Wesley, the founder of “Methodism,” and his ministry. In fact, I shared my own personal experience, as one of the beneficiaries of John Wesley’s ministry, who first provided the Good News to my ancestors.

Yes, our fathers believed in the God of Bible. As a result, since then we have been receiving an extended good favor from God in our family. I am sure your fathers also must have received an extended favor from God. Yes, I thank God of our fathers for extending His kindness in our family lives. How about you?

Please share your thoughts and experience, if you can. Appreciated.