Promise To Remember

Is there a fulfilled promise in our life that you and I should remember as long as we live? Or is there an unfulfilled promise and hoping to be fulfilled?

We live in a world where people make “true” and “false” promises. Whom to trust? Each one of us has witnessed both of these facts in our life. As we know that false assurance hurts and destroys our relationship, whereas fulfilled pledge develops a long-term trust and friendship.

This morning before attending our church service, two words “promise and remembrance” came to my mind as I was getting ready for an early service. How can we forget the fulfilled promise in our life? Especially, I was reminded of an assurance of apostle Peter’s statement:“for the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call (Acts 2:39 NKJV).”

How can one deny or ignore this “true promise” that we have witnessed in our life since the day of our birth? Now I realize how true apostle Peter’s statement is that the promise of the “Holy Spirit” is for us (believers), and for our future generations.

How can we forget this free gift that changed our lives? Had it not for this great benefit what would have been our life? How can we disregard this great favor that was first assured to our forefathers and for their future generations? How can we ignore God’s humble servants who first provided this “Good News” to our families?

I think once again it’s a reminder for us about the “true promise” on this first Sunday after Easter. Let us thank God for this “free gift,” and admire his servants who first provided us this message to our families. Please, share your thoughts and comments, if you have any. Shalom!