Privileged To Have The Word

Aren’t we privileged to have “the Word”?

Last week as the world watched the results of British exit or Brexit from the European Union (EU) in a historic referendum; I noticed a phrase frequently used by the journalist while reporting the outcome result known as “the elite group.” This phrase reminded me of the early 17th century “Church of England,” which dominated with its autocratic leadership, and as a result, most of its members decided to leave the country.

History tells us that these unique people are known to the world as the “Puritans,” were the members of Church of England. These were Christians, who wanted the Church of England to be purified of any liturgy, ceremony, or practices, which were not found in Scripture. What I know is that the Puritans were people, who had the means and political influence, but King Charles would not tolerate their attempts to reform the Church of England, and as a result, persecution mounted. Many of its members, so-called “the Pilgrims” had no hope, but to leave England, thinking perhaps in a new world they could establish a colony whose government, society and church can be based upon the “Bible.”

In the 18th century, as an ordained Anglican priest, John Wesley, the founder of “Methodism” was also faced with similar issues. John Wesley flouted many regulations of the Church of England concerning parish boundaries, who had authority to preach. John Wesley and his followers were denounced as promulgators of strange doctrines, fomenters of religious disturbances, blind fanatics, and leading people astray claiming miraculous gifts, attacking the clergy of the Church of England and trying to re-establish Catholicism.

In short, as we know that most of our founding fathers were faced with all kinds of persecutions, hardships, difficulties, and challenges to come out of the Church of England. However, later they were the people who changed the world through the “Word of God,” and it was not an easy task.

I think and believe that this is all God’s plan that everyone should receive the “Good News.” Yes, in many ways British people changed the World, and because of their hard work and effort, and as a result of most of the countries now have the freedom of religion, speech, and etc. As Scripture says we are all sinners, and few wrong acts took place by some of these people (e.g., slavery that started prior to, I am told by others, like Portuguese and Spain). However, again history reminds us that these were the people who resolved those major issues, and now we are the beneficiaries’ of their work.

One of those great human beings from England was John ‘Wesley. Many things can be written about his work in my generation, especially those who benefited from his ministry. I am sure most of my Schoolmates, family, and church members, colleagues and relatives agree with me that the “Word,” which first came in our families was through John Wesley’s ministry (Methodism), which changed everyone’s life, and as a result, I think we all are privileged. Therefore, we should appreciate, admire and thank British people, especially John Wesley’s ministry. Please, if you have any thoughts or comments share it. Appreciated!