Make difference in the world

Did an Anglican minister make difference in the world?

Have you ever asked this question to yourself, or thought about it at any time, like me? Yes, I have been pondering about this Anglican minster’s work, know to the world as John Wesley (“Methodism”). I think as we grow deeper in our spiritual journey, one will realize as to how God chooses and uses his faithful person in His work. Humanly speaking, even now it is hard to understand as to how it was possible in eighteenth (18th) century for John Wesley to make a difference within an “Established Church,” that is, Church of England?

History tells us that in early stages, John Wesley was persecuted many times for his ministry; however, he continued the work. What made him unique and bold enough person to question the regulations of an Established Church, which was so powerful and authoritative, but still was able to keep Methodist connection within it? Had it not for his work, what would be the present day, so-called Protestant Christianity?

If you have any thoughts, please share it, so that we all can learn more about his work. Appreciated!