How Leadership Style Justified?

Is Leadership Style Justified By Faith or Action?

In 2008, one beautiful Sunday morning while our son was studying at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (PA), we (the family) attended St. George’s United Methodist Church service.

As we entered the sanctuary were greeted by senior ushers. After wonderful service, as part of the fellowship for first-time visitors, we were led to the special areas where the first American Methodist Church history is being revealed. This was one of those “aha” moments in my life. From that first, visit many thoughts came to my mind. One of the thoughts is related to the posed question.

In the business and political world leadership positions are contingent upon expected immediate or faster results or profits. Otherwise, the leadership position is at risk of losing the job. As we know the secular job requires performance. On the contrary, God’s work requires faith followed by actions.

As you may know on July 14, 1773, the first, second (1774), and third (1775) Conference of American Methodism took place in this church, respectively. This all happened before the “Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776).” Why is it so important now?

In short, how did this Christian leader known as John Wesley, founder of Methodism provide leadership across the Atlantic Ocean without his physical presence in America? I don’t think it is possible even now in this digital economy. If so, today every church in developed countries would have filled on Sunday service.

History reveals to us that after his short visit (1736) with discouragements he left America in 1737 for England, and never came back. Don’t we think it was a failure in his leadership and work? It was almost a lost job situation in a professional career, and who would have hired him back again?

How was he able to recover and overcome his disappointments and failures in his life? How did he start Methodism in America without his physical presence? Is it possible for him to start a church through a former immigrant (layperson) known as Robert Strawbridge (1760), who had his own spiritual struggles at one time in his life? What kind of leadership method he used?

As you can see there are many how(s) and what(s) Can you imagine the first American Methodist Conference held in this church, and the rest is history? Hard to believe it!

In my opinion, it was his strong faith in God that made him to do so (Rom: 1:17). We’re aware that secular world leaders can’t handle these kinds of situations or pressures.

Based on his work, it appears that actions will follow according to God’s will if we first believe in Him. Therefore, John Wesley has become one of the role models in my life and gets my admiration. If you have any thoughts, please share.


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The information provided is based on the author’s personal experiences, observations, and interpretations. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented, readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with relevant experts or authorities for any specific inquiries or concerns.

Additionally, the historical events and figures referenced in this blog post are presented to the best of the author’s knowledge and belief, but readers are advised to verify such information independently for accuracy. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the content provided.