How Can We Forget?

It’s a known fact that as long as we live on this planet; we will be faced with unexpected tragic situations. I think no matter how old a person is some of the heartbreaking incidences encountered in his or her lifetime will be imprinted in the memory. In fact, no computer or memory chip is required; because God created us with the unique brain to store memories, and till this day scientists struggle to understand fully as to how it functions.

Personal tragedies impact more than others. However, there are few calamities that impact us as a community, or nation when we are faced with it. There was one such tragic situation that we faced on September 11, 2001, in the United States of America (USA). Today we trace our memory back to that incident since each one of us knows where we were at that tragic day. We especially, close to the New York City (NYC’s) World Trade Center towers remember our every moment and family’s situations even now.

Why this unforgettable tragedy impacted us so much? Why some people unable to differentiate between “good and evil”? Yes, the whole world witnessed this tragic incident, and some condemned the “evil act” that took place in the USA. As we know that since that day the USA is not the same country as it used to be, especially the economy. Can an evil act impact so much to a nation and families? Can political leaders fight for us to overcome the evil acts? How can anyone face the evil acts or unexpected tragic situations in our lives?

In my option, no political leader in the world can help us to fight to overcome the evil acts. That is why we are witnessing all kinds of tragedies in the world every day. For Christian believers, the answers to these questions can be found only in the Holy Bible. It is only God’s word that can help us to overcome the evil acts.

Yes, there is “Evil” in this world, but we should be in a position to distinguish between good from evil (Heb. 5:14 NIV). God’s word assured us to overcome evil, and let us not forget Him (Dt. 4:23 NIV). Let us encourage one another (Heb. 10:25), so that we can face an unexpected tragedy in our lives. Please share your thoughts, if you have any.