Great Britain’s Leaders Deserve Admiration

Do Great Britain’s Leaders Deserve Our Admiration?

For the last thirty-five years, I have been pondering on one question as to how Great Britain’s leaders changed nations, in spite of their colonial power, which created many debatable issues throughout the world in our lifetime. I am sure there are some people, who may have similar question like me as to why not both political and religious leaders of Great Britain need to be admired? When we evaluate their leadership since the beginning of colonization to the present day in different parts of the world, there are many good things what they did for the nations who got independence from Great Britain, for which I think they deserve our admiration and appreciation.

First, I admire great Christian leaders since one of the great God’s servants know to the world as John Wesley, the founder of “Methodist” ministry provided Good News to our forefathers. Because of his hard and committed work, our families’ were able to come to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Second, if not for Great Britain’s colonized generational leaders in the United States of America (USA), our families wouldn’t’ be living in a democratic nation that we cherish by participating in our vote to elect leaders, who honor and respect our religious freedom, and make changes in our communities and nation, when good and evil is identified and confirmed through voices of voters by electing God-fearing leaders.

Third, our generational family members wouldn’t be able to speak the English language, which is now known to the world as an International language to communicate our personal, and business transaction throughout the world, which was replaced by other international languages, for example, Greek language during the Roman Empire.

As you may know, the phrase “Third world,” was frequently used at one time, which I did not like it while I was in the graduate program in late 80’s in the USA. What a change we have observed within two decades, that is, so-called Third world countries are able to compete in the business with so-called the First world countries. Isn’t true it is all because of the English language, especially in the digital economy? How did this all happen in our generation? Who should first get the credit?

There are many great leaders from Great Britain who did great things for the society and nations (e.g., William Carey and Winston Churchill). Last week we heard the news about Great Britain’s leadership transition from one to another. A thought came to my mind as to how an old angelical preacher’s daughter was able to be elected by the majority of votes to be the Prime Minister at this time, when Great Britain’s leadership is under a lot of pressure? I believe that this is all God’s plan! Yes, there are many reasons to admire Great Britain leaders and people, and I admire them. If you have any thoughts, please share it. Appreciated!