Why Great Britain Leaders To Be Admired?

Last year soon after the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum’s (June 26, 2016) results, I wrote a blog titled “Do Great Britain’s Leaders Deserve Our Admiration?” In that post, I indicated three reasons why I thought leaders of Great Britain deserve our admiration.

First reason was that had it not for Great Britain’s earlier faithful settlers’ hard work and leadership in the United States of America (USA), our families wouldn’t’ be living in a “free nation” in which we cherish by participating in our vote to elect the leaders in the democratic system of government. They provided the original “blueprint,” if you will, for the USA.

A second reason was that the great God’s servant known to the world as John Wesley, the founders of “Methodism” provided Good News to our forefathers. Because of his hard and committed work, not only our families’ came to know the true “Living God,” but many were able to get jobs in the hospitals, clinics, schools, universities, churches, and many organizations through his ministry. “Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor (John 4:37-38 NIV).”

The third reason was that if not for the Great Britain’s leadership in the world, today we wouldn’t be speaking the English language, which is now known to the world as an International language to communicate our personal and business transaction throughout the globe, which was replaced by other international languages, for example, Greek language during the Roman Empire.

In addition, there are many reasons as to why I think the Great Britain leaders deserve our admiration. For instance, William Carey, the great missionary who went to India (Calcutta) in 1793 and did marvelous things, and rest is the history. And who can forget Sir Winston Churchill and his leadership during the Second World War?

Last year Great Britain’s leadership transitioned from one to another. An old angelical preacher’s daughter elected by the majority of votes to be the next Prime Minister when Great Britain’s leadership is under a lot of pressure. This Wednesday, March 29, 2017, the formal procedure for withdrawing known as “Brexit” from the European Union beings. I believe that this is all God’s plan!

What a change we have observed in our lifetime? Three decades ago, the so-called Third world (i.e., under developing) countries are now able to compete in the business with so-called the First world (developed) countries. Isn’t true it is all because of the English language in a democratic system, especially in the digital economy? How did this all happen in our generation? Who deserves the credit?

Yes, there are many reasons for which the Great Britain leaders deserve our admiration. Please, if you have any thoughts or comments share it. Appreciated!