How Good Is This Friday For Believers?

Why Friday, April 10, 2020, known as “Good Friday” is unique in our lifetime? How Good is this year’s Friday for believers in Jesus Christ throughout the world? Was there a Good Friday observance either in our grandparents or parents lifetime as we their children witnessed in our lifetime without the Congregational services and fellowships? That is, “stay-home” and worship alone!

Number of thoughts cross our mind as we observe this year’s Good Friday by staying and keeping distance at home. This year’s Good Friday observance reminds us of our past worship services and fellowships since childhood.  Like me, most of us miss the Good Friday Congregational service, fellowship and meditation on our Lord Jesus Christ’s seven spoken words on the cross.  Most of us had an opportunity to talk on at least one word that  Jesus Christ spoke on the cross in our lifetime during the Good Friday services.

As you all know that this year’s Good Friday observance is different for Christians who are living in almost 182 countries in the world, because of the Federal or central, state and local government’s emergency declaration due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  As a result, social gatherings and meetings are not allowed, and very strict government official’s stay-at-home orders are being issued in most of the countries.

Yes, we are faced with an unprecedented crisis that combines with “stay-home” orders steals away our social gatherings.  It reminds me of Aristotle’s statement that “human beings are social animals and therefore they naturally seek the companionship of others as part of their well being.” I don’t think the modern day’s digital world, and social media can replace this natural companionship. In addition, most of us know the pros and cons of social media!

Due to COVID-19 pandemic crisis most Christians in recent weeks started listening to sermons or messages through digital live streams either on the computer or other devices. However, most of the believers have their daily devotions and prayers (1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV), and I’m sure this Good Friday they will be meditating on our Lord Jesus Christ’s seven words spoke on the cross.

As I indicated above that the Good Friday observance reminds us our past Congregational services and fellowships, likewise it reminded me last year observance in which my meditation was on the last word that our Lord Jesus Christ spoke on the cross with a title “Where There 3 Persons On One Cross?”

In fact, this Good Friday, I will be once again meditating on this word at home; therefore,  I thought of sharing with my family members, friends, colleagues, and fellow believers who have been reading and commenting on my blogs online for the last four years by visiting this website.

On this unique Good Friday observance at home, let us meditate on our Lord Jesus Christ’s seven spoken words on the cross. If you like, please share with me the last word by clicking the link at “Where There 3 Persons On One Cross?  Thanks!