Is There Good And Bad Fight To Be Fought?

Last Wednesday morning, soon after removing one of our heavy snow covered cars from the driveway, I went into the house to take a much-needed coffee break. As I opened the house main door, my phone rang, but I didn’t answer as a hot cup of coffee and a break needed at that time.

However, before going out to remove another snow-covered car, I called this person to find out the reason for his call. Brother, one of my colleagues passed away! He said. A Methodist country preacher informed me about his colleague’s death, who happened to be a former Methodist country preacher’s son. Immediately, I called his colleague’s wife and children and expressed our family’s sincere condolences.

While removing the snow, many memories came to my mind; however, one of the thoughts stood all the way till the weekend was one’s life experiences in overcoming the “good and bad fights,” before leaving this world with the hope of an eternal result.

In January of this year, I lost a business friend from New Jersey, a 50-year old successful businessman who removed snow in the morning and suddenly passed away in the evening, due to a heart attack leaving behind a young son and wife. In fact, I was supposed to meet him during that week, but couldn’t make it.

What are the good and bad fights that we have to fight every day? What is the difference between the good and bad fight? What kinds of the fight are these? Do believer and non-believer of Jesus Christ have same fights to be fought? Are we prepared or ready to face the fight? Or, is there fear to fight? Has anyone fought the good fight? If so, how did he/she fight, and where was the battlefield? How and who can we answer these questions? Wow! Why so many questions?

A number of motivational speakers in the business world use all kinds of terminologies in order to motivate people to maintain the company’s morale and profit margin. In fact, the secular motivational speakers don’t talk about the real spiritual battles that we face every day in our lives. Motivational speakers can’t even assure an enteral result for the earthly fights.

In my opinion, the good fight is very hard to do what is right, and the bad fight is easy to do what is wrong. As one of the country preacher sons, I realized how difficult the fights are in this world, but don’t forget we have been taught and trained to fight the good one, as our role model Apostle Paul proved and showed us. Yes, our parents have shown and passed on their baton of faith in the living God to us, and let us do the same with the help of Him, who is our “True friend.”

Please share, if you have any comments and suggestions.