God’s Chosen Servant For the World

As I was reading John Wesley’s work related books and articles, I was amazed at his childhood and work and thought of sharing with people who may not know about it.

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism was born in 1703 into a strong Anglican home, as the fifteenth (15th) child of Samuel Wesley and his wife Susanna Wesley. His parents, especially Susanna Wesley disciplined all their children since they were born. She would examine each child before the midday meal and before evening prayers. Children were not allowed to eat between meals and were interviewed singularly by their mother one evening each week for the purpose of intensive spiritual instruction.

As a result, they were expected to become proficient in Latin and Greek and to have learned major portions of the New Testament by heart. On February 9, 1709, when John Wesley was a five years old boy, there was a fire in their home at night time with stairs aflame and the roof was about to collapse. Except for John, everyone was safe, and he was stranded on the second floor. Finally, a parishioner standing on another man’s shoulders lifted him out of the second floor. Later, John Wesley writes in his journal stating that “a brand plucked out of the fire,” quoting Zechariah 3:2 to describe the incident.

Two points made me think as to how Samuel and Susanna Wesley were able to manage nineteen (19) children, of which nine (9) lived beyond infancy. How was she able to discipline and manage all her children when we a have hard time with our own two (2) children? And how marvelous God’s hand saves person’s life from birth when He wants him/her to be in His service?

Is it not because of his parents, especially mother Susanna’s disciplined teaching, her son, John Wesley was able to reach out to the World with Gospel message? Is it not how God chooses his people for His work and blesses a person like me?

Please share your thoughts. Appreciated!