Freedom – Whose Choice Is It?

Choice, by definition, is the power, right or liberty to choose, and it involves decision-making process. It is the process of identifying and choosing the given option based on values, facts, assumptions, instinct, and feeling, etc.

Choices can be simple or complex; however, the final result will either have small, large, short or long-term impacts on the decision one’s making. As we’re aware that as long as we live, every day we’re faced with the task of decision-making, whether it is simple or complex in the given choices. In fact, it is our privilege of choosing an option freely. That is, it is our “freedom of choice.”

When we have this “freedom of choice,” do we have the abilities or discernment to make the right determination? If the following preference is given, which one would be our selection? For instances, selection between good and evil, a choice between right and wrong, value option between moral and immoral, and relationships preference between friendship and enmity, etc.

As we can see our selection impacts can either be wonderful or dreadful. In this context, the “freedom of choice” can either be abused or cherished. Why does anyone want to misuse and harm this liberty, rather than honor and protect it?

After evaluating and searching for the right answers to these questions, I reached the conclusion that by default there is an “evil” in this world. As a result, we end up making an evil, immoral, enmity and wrong decision, and instead of choosing the good and moral values. My thorough evaluation of the answers took me all the way back to our forefathers, who before choosing the God of Bible worshiped all kinds of gods. They made the right decision after realizing and finding the true facts of “original freedom of choice” violation (Gen. 2:15-17).”

I think now it is our responsibility to evaluate to see which option we have selected? Meaning which choice, good or evil, right or wrong, love or hate, and moral or immoral. As we can see from the Word of God, we tend to choose evil, instead of good one. Can we avoid evil choices? Yes, our forefather made their decision to believe in the Living God, but what about me and you? Is it possible for us to discern good and evil without His word? “If our belief is in the God of Bible, then we know which choice should be preferred? “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb. 4:12 NKJV).” “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live (Due. 30:19 NIV).” What should be our decision? The choice is ours!
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