Fellowship Versus Favoritism

Do you and I need a fellowship? If so, what kind of fellowship you and I have? Is there any difference between fellowship and favoritism? Or, is there a correlation between fellowship and faith?

According to Webster’s Dictionary, the definition of fellowship (noun) is a “community of interest, activity, feeling, or experience.” Or, a company of equals or friends. If so, can we live without fellowship?

For some reason this morning a thought on fellowship crossed my mind. I noticed that the word “fellowship” is more often used in the Christian community than in a secular social gathering. If so, for what cause, reason, or purpose Christians use the word “fellowship” more often?

I think there must be a unique reason for Christians to use the word “fellowship” frequently, both in an action (verb) and as a noun. If so, what is the distinctive characteristic of this fellowship? Is this fellowship similar to the secular social gathering? If not, how can we distinguish between a social gathering and fellowship?

In order to answer all these questions, I had no other source than to refer to the “Holy Bible.” Because we (Christians) often use this word, therefore, I wanted to know where it all started. As we know that the first “fellowship” for us (Christians) started on the “Day of Pentecost (Acts 2 NKJV).” In short, “so continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved (Acts 2:46-47 NKJV).” Therefore, I think there is a direct correlation between the fellowship and faith. And as a result, we can’t live without the fellowship.

If this must be our (Christian) fellowship “model,” if you will, then there should be no room for favoritism. If there is a favoritism or unfair practice within the community of interest, then it is not a fellowship and vice versa.

According to God’s word (Acts 2), we (Christians) must implement the original “fellowship model,” so that many souls can be added to the Church. Yes, based on His word we can distinguish between the fellowship and favoritism. Therefore, you and I should know what kind of fellowship we have. Yes, there is a huge difference between a social gathering and the fellowship. As we can see there is a direct correlation between long-term church growth and fellowship.

Spiritual leaders who first provide this Good News to our forefathers implemented this “fellowship model” so that our generation can also follow it. Therefore, I admire one of those great spiritual leaders who helped our generation. Please share your thoughts!