Is it fair to make an economic analysis on John Wesleye’s ministry or “Methodism”? When we think of John Wesley’s ministry and try to make an economic analysis of benefits, sometimes it is hard to grasp. How two (2) goals achieved with a single effort? That is, first saving the souls through preaching and second creating tax payer’s jobs through an organization, ultimately benefiting both a person or family, and local economy.

In this 21st century we may call it as an organization’s “business model,” but I think this model worked-out very well. I am sure in the 18th century this man of God, John Wesley had this vision, and since then it is being fulfilled. In fact, his statement turned out to be in “real action,” but not “just preaching,” that is, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at  all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”

In short, since 18th century, nation’s economy and local government benefited through its tax payer’s jobs at Churches (i.e., Bishops, District Superintendents, Pastors, Administrators, Secretaries, Organists, etc.), Educational institutes (i.e., Day cares, Schools, Colleges, Seminaries, and Universities – Teachers, Professors, Admin., Accountants, Clerks, etc.), Hospitals (i.e., Doctors, Nurses, Administrators, Pharmacists, Accountants, Technicians, Drivers, etc.), Health clinics (i.e., Docs., Nurses, Helpers, etc.), and many other organizations (e.g., Global Ministry), respectively.

In addition, since the 18th century to this day how many souls came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and benefited through a horseback preacher’s ministry. A ripple effect, if you will of his ministry through help for needy families, and scholarships for education to poor children, who later turned out be doctors, engineers, scientists, nurses, teachers, bishops, pastors, public leaders, and just to name a few.

According to recent statistics, there are about 30 million Methodists worldwide. Yes, in my opinion, both a nation’s economy and families are benefited from “Methodism.” In fact, I and my family are the beneficiaries of John Wesley ministry, and that is one of the reasons why I admire this man of God. How about you?  Please share your thoughts and experience about his ministry, and provide your sincere comments. Appreciated!