Is There Direct Correlation Between Refuge And Refugee?

Have you ever faced with a bad situation in your lifetime and found the shelter? What was or is the hiding place, when you and I feared or fear for our life? Who gave or gives the protection, when we needed or need help in our trouble? Were you a refugee at any time and found the refuge? Is there any direct correlation between the “refuge” and “refugee”? Do always these two (2) nouns or words depend on each other?

Last Wednesday, January 25, 2017, CNN reported that “amid the tornado wreckage in Mississippi, a Bible was left untouched.” Immediately, this news caught my attention and made me reflect on it. The news was that previous weekend when a tornado hit the southern Mississippi area, William Carey University buildings were torn. As campus staffers were cleaning the damage, they found an open Bible on the pulpit of the campus church, undisturbed by the surrounding debris. The campus staffers were stunned to see an open page of Psalm 46, and they read the verse: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

Why this news made me think deeply was because this incident reminded me of our own family situations, when we were faced with hurricane Sandy. On October 22, 2012, when a hurricane, known as “Superstorm Sandy,” unexpectedly hit our area, our family was faced with both emotional and physical challenges and damages.Yes, we became refugees and needed shelter to stay in the cold weather for almost 3 weeks when our daily simple basic needs were not met. In short, during that time we found our shelter or refuge, and He gave us once again the hope and assurance of protection when needed.

Yes, all are helpless and “refugees,” and we need the helper or “refuge at one point in our life.” Yes, I think there is a direct correlation between the word refuge and refugee. Yes, I think these two nouns always depend upon each other. Webster dictionary’s definition of “refugee” is that one flees to escape danger or persecution. And “refuge” is defined as “the state of being protected, as from danger or hardship,” or “a place that provides shelter.”

I’m sure like me, you must have read Psalm 46 number of times since our Sunday School days, even memorized it; however, every time I read God’s word, it provides me an assurance of protection. As I read Psalm 46, once again this morning to write this blog, I noticed that as per the New King James Version (NKJV), the word “refuge” is emphasized three (3) times in the same chapter. In fact, more so often in the Old Testament (66 times) than in the New Testament (Hebrews 6:18 NKJV).

Yes, our heart breaks when we become helpless or hear the word “refugee,” or see the hardship of people on the television. According to a well-known report in the USA, the main issues in 2016 were immigration and Syrian refugee crisis. Can geopolitical leaders in the world provide shelter or protection to people who faced with hardship? Or, do we need God the refuge, as King David believed and emphasized number of times in the book of Psalms, stating “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1 NKJV), and the Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is refuge (Psalm 46:7-11 NKJV)?”

I thank the God of Jacob who is my “refuge,” and admire the person who first gave this Word to our family. How about you? Please share your thoughts and comments, if you have any.Appreciated!

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