A Difficult Task To Carry Out

Is there one important task that requires being carried out every day in our life, but difficult to do so? If so, why it is challenging, and what would be that assignment or responsibility?

A task is defined as an assigned piece of work that needs to be done or finished within certain time. Or, the assigned duty is something hard or unpleasant that has to be done. How an introvert (i.e, reserved or shy) or extrovert (i.e, unreserved or outgoing person) person carry out this task? Or, how a religious (i.e., moral) person perform this responsibility? How serious or sincere you and I are in carrying out this task in our everyday life?

The difficult task is to “love one another.” During my pre-college days, as I read the Holy Bible, especially the New Testament, Apostle Paul’s letter 1 Corinthian chapter 13 – the greatest gift, made me think deeply all these years. As Paul stated that among the three, that is, faith, hope, and love, the greatest is “love.” I used to think that “faith” and “hope” are very important in my life, but now I know that it is only the “love,” which takes the first priority among three requirements. When we read this chapter and meditate on it, one will start thinking in a different way. As you may know that we don’t find this definition in Webster’s dictionary.

I realize how difficult the referred task is to carry out without someone’s help, since human nature tries to avoid this challenging assignment, and prefers easy one, which is “hate, enmity or dislike.” Where can we get the help other than the “Bible.” For believers, the greatest commandments to follow are to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind,” and “love your neighbors as yourself (Mt. 22:37-38 NKJV).”

How blessed we are who received this Good News through great spiritual leaders? If so, let us thank and admire the person who first showed us how to perform this difficult task of “loving one another,” with the help of “Holy Spirit.” It’s challenging, but an achievable task with help, let us perform our responsibility. Please share your thoughts and comments, if you have any.