Different Situations And Leadership

Do Different situations call for different leadership?

Why do different situations call for different leadership styles? What kind of leadership is needed when circumstances are uncertain? Who gives the leadership position? Can leadership approach make a difference in family, workplace, community, church, organization, and nation? Are there any differences between leadership and management?

Since the beginning of human history, empirical evidence indicates that different situations called for different leadership methods. I think when circumstances are uncertain we need the leadership that is effective. Past history reminds us that the emperors utilized the autocratic (i.e., power of one) style leadership.

However, in the 15th century when autocratic empire started transitioning to the republic, in the so-called “New World,” the democratic or shared leadership style took its roots the first time. As we know in self-rule government, that is, in a democratic system, the supreme power is held by the people and used by them directly or indirectly through representation. Under this system, we have some control over our lives by being able to select our leader so that he or she can represent us directly.

What happens when an elected leader in the self-rule system becomes selfish and tries to exercise his or her autocratic style of leadership, this situation can lead to chaos, and ultimately requires a change in the leadership. I think the autocratic style of leadership is ineffective in the self-rule system. In my opinion, this is one of the main reasons why a number of families, workplaces, communities, churches, organizations, and nations are faced with worst situations and unproductive results.

In modern days the shared leadership style gave the foundation to other leadership types, known as Laissez-faire, Task-oriented, and Relationship-oriented methods respectively, which are commonly, used both for-profit and non-profit organizations, workplaces and even in families. In Laissez-faire leadership style the decision making is passed on to the subordinates, and they are given complete power and right to make the decision to establish goals and achieve them. In Task-oriented leadership type, the leader is focused on tasks in order to achieve goals. In contrast, in the Relationship-oriented leadership style, the leader is more focused on the group relationships, and shows trust and confidence in group members and appreciates the work done.

In recent years we hear an autocratic style of leadership has created worst situations in families, workplaces, organizations, churches, communities, and nations demanding for different leadership styles. When we think of great leaders in the past, especially Christian leaders who exercised the shared leadership style based upon the Holy Bible principles provided us leadership so that we can be the beneficiaries of their hard work. One such great leader known to the world is John Wesley. I am told that Wesley had organizational skills, which lead to the formation of the “Methodist” denomination. Therefore, I admire his leadership style and encourage our fellow members to follow his proven methods to be the effective leader. Any comments, or thoughts, please share. Appreciated!