Is Demand and Supply In Equilibrium?

As we know that the “law of supply and demand” is one of the most fundamental concepts of economics. No matter what we do, as a consumer, the basic premise of demand and supply equilibrium is integrated into our daily life in this world. Equilibrium is nothing but the quantity demanded equal to the quantity supplied.

What happens to us or society when there is an imbalance or partial equilibrium with supply and demand in an economy? May be chaos, confusion, disorder, or lawlessness! This indicates that demand and supply must be in an equilibrium in order to have a state of mind, in which human behavior and our daily events can be controlled.

As it is true with the economic law of demand and supply, I think it is also true with the law of spiritual demand and supply model. As I thought of writing this short blog, I came across with an article written by Thomas W. Mardon, titled “John Wesley on Economics,” from the Oxford Institute. Mr. Mardon states that “England in the eighteenth century was a nation in economic transition. The life of the nation during the period was characterized and complicated by the lack of economic unity. It was under these conditions that John Wesley came with his religious movement, and it was to these people that he addressed himself.” According to Mr. Mardon, Wesley’s economic views, like all his social thought, were based on his ethics and theology. To Wesley, Mr. Mardon writes, “God, functions in two roles- as Soveirgin (or Creator) and as Governor. In order for God’s revelation in Jesus to make sense, human beings need to be free, for without freedom they simply are not responsible. Thus human responsibility arises out of human freedom and conscience, which are functions of prevenient grace.”

When I read John Wesley’s history, always it reminds me how he aimed to restore the “primitive Christianity”- first Christians (“ New Testament Days”) model. I don’t think he was socio-politically neither left or right but was in the business of changing lives once for all, and as result, millions of people came to know Jesus Christ not only in his lifetime but also later years.

In the 21st century, is the consumer’s spiritual demand and supply in equilibrium? If so, why some of our relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues are not still believers? This should make us think deeper! We (believers) know that the physical demands of this world are not going last forever, whereas the spiritual one does. In fact, we have the great Supplier (Creator and Governor) to meet our (consumer) demands. Therefore, we have an assurance from the Word stating that “my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Php.4:19 NKJV).” If we’ve only the physical demands, then God says “Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided (Lk. 12:20 NKJV)?” Let us evaluate the spiritual demand and supply model, and with His help try to keep it in equilibrium.

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