Is Decision Making Easy?

Why is decision-making not an easy task? Why each decision that we make presents its own challenges? Is there one formula or strategy that can be used in any given situation? How certain are we in a decision-making process? What is one’s probability of making a good decision? How would one react to the selection of either good or bad choice?

These questions pondered my mind for the last few days as I was faced with a few situations, which required a quick decision; therefore, I decided to write a short blog on this topic.  As we know that in a given day we end-up making many decisions either consciously or unconsciously. Each day, as soon as we get up early morning from our bed, the determination on existing choices to be made to avoid any short or long-term risks at not only home, but also at workplaces in our family lives.

Meaning, we choose either good or bad actions according to our free will and later agonize over the bad ones. In fact, sometimes we’re faced with over-analyzing or over-thinking of a situation and end up taking no action and paralyzing the outcome, known as paralysis by analysis! However, the reality is that we can’t paralyze our family life; therefore, good decisions are required.

My quick research on this topic indicated as a broader academic discipline subject of psychology, and I came across with many published articles related to the science of human behavior and mind.  However, rather than the science, my approach on this topic is on one’s belief and the family environment, because I think it helps to control one’s emotions in any given situation effectively.

For instance, an overconfidence person can make a quick decision based on his or her strong abilities, skills or strengths (i.e., past experiences, wealth, resources etc.), but may or may not he/she be ready to face the consequences of the end results. In this situation, how a person would emotionally behave or react, if a bad decision was made and the outcome would be short and long-term damages with chain reaction effects in his/her family life?

On other hands, if a person makes the decision based on what I call it as a step-approach, that is, making a good selection in the given choices associated with less risk. In this scenario, in my opinion, a person would make the decision with caution, fear, doubt, and humility, respectively. In this situation, since less risk is involved for the given choices at each step of the decision-making process, I think the outcome would be a better one, and emotionally a person would behave normally. Because the short and long-term effects can lead to a better and healthy life for the entire family.

Emotions in the context of one’s belief in fear of God, who depends and reacts rationally, and humbly accepts His verdict of the outcome of his/her plans and decisions made everyday life. In my opinion, no matter what decision-making skills, methods or strategies one can use, ultimate results may not be favorable because of human weakness. Even King David stated that “the Lord knows the thoughts of man, that they are futile (Ps. 94:11 NKJV).”

In my opinion for the believer in God of the Bible, his or her “faith” plays a key role in any decision-making process. In fact, a faithful person believes in God’s miracles, and as a result, his or her emotions will be controlled and managed by the “Holy Spirit.” Therefore, King Solomon, the richest and wisest man who ever lived stated that “the lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord (Prov.16:33 NKJV).”

Yes, emotions are complex, and I don’t’ think science can provide all the answers to the human behaviors. If that is the case, then today everyone in the world would normally be behaving without any psychological disorder in life. Can science accept God’s miracles?

Answers to my contemplated questions finally led me to find solutions in one’s belief and faith in God of the Bible. Because His word says, “for I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jer. 29:11 NIV).”

I think based on His word, one strategy can be used in our decision-making process, that is, “commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans (Pro. 16:3 NIV).” Yes, when we commit our plans to Him with trust one can be certain with the high probability of good outcome in the decision made. How do we know about it? I think we can learn lessons from King David’s experience in his life as he stated that “commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun (Ps. 37: 5-6 NLT).’’

If you have any, please share your sincere comments and experience in the decision-making process. Appreciated!