Choice Of Good And Evil

When our free will allows us to choose between good and evil, why some people select wicked acts? Is it hard to differentiate between moral and immoral behavior in our life? Why can’t a person discern good and bad thoughts? Why there is the battle of good and evil in us?

This morning like many, I was also shocked to hear the sad news about the terrorist attack in London. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of London, and my heart goes out to them in their time of sorrow.

In my previous few posts, I highlighted the reasons for our admiration of Great Britain’s leaders. In my opinion had it not for the Great Britain’s earlier faithful settlers’ hard work and leadership in the United States of America (USA), our families wouldn’t’ be living in a “free nation,” which we cherish by participating in our vote to elect the leaders in the democratic system of government. They provided the original “blueprint,” if you will, for the democracy, and today many other nations are either following or trying to implement this system of government.

However, there are some wicked people who have selected immoral behavior and are unable to decern what is good and evil. These people turned out to be the chameleons living in communities tries to inflict evil deeds in our peaceful societies. They are not grateful to a nation that provided liberty and freedom to them to live and cherish a peaceful life. Evil spirit breeds the evil thoughts, and these people are filled with this spirit that has blinded them and unable to discern good and bad behaviors.

On the contrary, the Holy Spirit for believers in Jesus Christ helps and guide in discerning good and evil. According to His word, with help of The Holy Spirit, we can win the battle of good over evil. On this Pentecost Sunday, once again we’re reminded of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4 NKJV). How blessed we’re to have this Spirit, which helps us to live a peaceful life. His word teaches us to overcome evil with good (Rom. 12:21 NKJV). Let us hope and pray that these evil wicked people come to know the difference between moral and immoral behavior, and God’s eternal judgment.

Yes, on this day once again I am reminded of Great Britain’s people and their great leaders. I’m sure with help of our God’s guidance through the Holy Spirit they will overcome this evil with good. Shalom!