Focus Objective Not Obstacles

Can objective be achieved with the obstacles?

When one’s effort or actions are intended to attain or accomplish the main goal successfully, always there will be obstacles to hinder the progress. Due to obstacles many will give-up or fail to achieve the intended objective in his or her lifetime. However, many great leaders in history overcame obstacles and achieved the goal. As a result, in the 21st century we have both political and religious freedom in many parts of the world.

One such great leader in history is John Wesley. As you may know that John Wesley faced many obstacles throughout his ministry, but he never gave-up. For example, in 1739 John Wesley and the Methodists were persecuted by Church of England and were denounced as promulgators of strange doctrines. But John Wesley felt that the “church failed to call sinners to repentance, that many of the clergies were corrupt and that people were perishing in their sins.” He believed he was commissioned by God to bring about a revival in the church, and no opposition, persecution, or obstacles could prevail against the divine urgency and authority of this commission.

As we know that John Wesley achieved what he believed in; therefore, he and his followers continued to work among the neglected and needy. Who then believed that his ministry would first cross not only Atlantic but all the Oceans and Continents in the world?

In the 21st century, I think John Wesley’s ministry reminds us about “revival in the church.” Yes, there are obstacles to achieve it, but as a role model, he set us an example in our life to overcome these obstacles, when we believe in Him (God). Do you think revival in the church is needed, as it had happened in history? What are your thoughts about achieving the objective with obstacles? Please share it!