Can We Love One Another?

Is it possible to love one another on daily bases? How can we love another human being when he or she hurt you deeply? Why loving one another is a tough task? Does loving one another become natural to a person, or need to be disciplined? Why can’t we love one another without any condition? These are few questions I wrestled with for some time. I’m sure like me you too must have contemplated on this topic quite often!

As per Webster’s dictionary, a definition of love is “an intense affection for another person based on personal or familial ties, or a strong affection for or attachment to another person based on regard or shared experiences or interests.” It’s interesting to note that the word “love” is both noun and verb. Meaning love is not just a word used to name a person, place, thing, or idea, but it expresses action.

I think most of us are faced with the greater challenge in our daily life to love one another. Especially, at the workplace with fellow workers, few family members, neighbors, and friends who are mean-spirited. I tried many times to be a loving person but failed. Moreover, I feel ashamed of myself when I failed to love another person, as a believer in Jesus Christ.

A few weeks ago, during my daily devotion time, a verse from the Bible made me think deeply on this topic. That verse is “No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit (1 John 4:12-13, NKJ).”

This particular verse changed and made me a different person during this Christmas time. Now I realized that without God’s word it is impossible to cultivate the true loving nature on daily basis. Had it not for God’s word, I wouldn’t be a loving person. Therefore, I’m thankful to God for His word, which first came to our family through John Wesley, and his ministry. As a result, I admire him. I’m sure there are many people like me throughout the world who benefited from his ministry. If you’re one of them please share your thoughts and experiences. Appreciated!