House divided.



Sunday, that is, October 7, 2018, a beautiful morning with bright yellow, orange, and red leaves cling on trees in our and neighbors’ yard before they fall over the ground, and once again reminded me of an autumn season!

Morning, I took a casual amble through my neighborhood to fill my lungs with cool fresh air, and I sensed cool, crisp air snuffed a change of season!  As I strode across the colorful yards, fallen leaves on the side walk crunched under my feet in my neighborhood, and all of a sudden a thought on “division” crossed my mind; therefore, I decided to reflect on this topic.

Even though this matter appears to be complicated subject, but I tried to make it short and simple so that everyone can understand the real root of disunity either in a nuclear family, community, society, or nation.

Who likes to be separated from one another, especially in the family or house?  Why then do we have the division in a family?  What causes disunity in the house?  What would be the effects of division in a family?  Can a divided house stand the test of time?  Is there a direct correlation between the nuclear families separation and disunity either in a community, society, or nation?  Is it possible that disunity in a nuclear family can lead to discord not only in the house, but also in the society and nation?

As you can see I asked a series of questions myself on this particular topic.  However, I think answers to these questions can be found in ourself by conducting the self-evaluations.  That is, in my opinion, the causes and effects of “division” or disunity are deep-rooted in each nuclear family.

As we grew from childhood, we picked-up some bad habits and behaviors that have become part of our personality traits, which are revealed not only at home, but also in the public arena.

Shocked to hear that the social and television news media indicated that a division exists within the family, society, and country as a whole.  As we know that disunity within a nuclear family, community, society, or country caused all kinds of social, political, economic, and religious problems throughout the world.

Even in the United States of America (USA), almost 244 years ago, when the Thirteen (13) British separate colonies joined together in harmony and formed the “United Country.” Now social and news media stated that the “Country,” and the House (i.e., US Congress) is divided.

Even nowadays the “gerrymandering,” that is, to divide an area into political units to give special advantages to one group became a unique practice in American politics.  What is the root cause of this division?

When we think of American Founding Fathers’ wisdom on the separation matter, who knew the serious consequences of disunity; therefore,” they preferred “Unity,” and as a result, 13 separated colonies united and formed a nation known as the “United States of America.”  I elaborated on this topic in my first book titled “American: Confused To Vote.”

We see their wisdom in one of the famous statements in the “United States Declaration of Independence” document that is, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness.”

Who is their Creator?  Why did our Founding Fathers use the word “Creator?” Did they believe in their Creator? I asked myself!

I think most Americans know who our Founding Fathers’ Creator is?  Moreover, American also know that most of our Founding Fathers were children of Puritans, who believed in the God of the Bible.  I am sure their parents taught them the Bible verse to “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come (Ecclesiastes 12:1 NKJV)!”

When our Founding Fathers’ “United us,” then why are we hearing in the daily news media that America is divided?  Is there any reason as to why both Houses (i.e., US Congress) divided?  When our Founding Fathers’ realized and believed that the God of the Bible, the Creator provided everyone the rights of Life, Liberty, and to obtain Happiness, which is impossible to take away by anyone, then why are we now faced with a crisis of disunity in America?  What is our self-evaluation on this matter?

Our Founding Fathers’ based on their belief in the Creator; they stated with full conviction that “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” If their Creator, “United” 13 separated colonies together a long time ago, why can’t the same God keep us today in Unity?  Are we acknowledging the God of our Founding Fathers’ in our life daily to avoid any division among us, since their God united them?

As we know that because of their wisdom and determination, today we live in a country where Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness can’t be taken away by anyone other than the Creator, who provided us free!

In my opinion, the source of division or disunity in a nuclear family, community, society, or nation is the adversary, that is, the devil.  As we know that Satan divided God’s people from the beginning (Gen. 3:5 NIV); therefore, Apostle Peter said that “Be alert and sober mind.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Pt. 5:8 NIV).”

Even Jesus Christ, the Son of God, taught us on this subject matter, when He healed a demon-possessed, blind and mute person, Pharisees said: “This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.” Jesus said to Pharisees, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you (Mat. 12: 22-28 NKJV).”

As we can see that division puts us in the worst condition in such a way that it is no longer suitable for people to live in peace.  I think “Unity” can be achieved when we acknowledge the Creator, the way our Founding Fathers did in their time.  As their faith and belief in the God of the Bible brought them together, so also we can be United in the test of time with help of His spirit, when we first acknowledge Him in our everyday life.

Let it be our daily prayers that may the God Almighty once again guide us in this endeavor the way He did to our Founding Fathers.

If you have any comments, thoughts or suggestions, please share it. Appreciated!

P.S:  This blog post was first published on October 7, 2018. According to Pinterest Analytics, this pin and/or post ranked one of the top impressed and viewed posts; therefore, I thought of re-publishing it again.  As per the same Analytics, as of today, I have 2k followers and 1.1k monthly viewers. I thank and appreciate all of my followers and viewers.

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