What Is New In The Morning?

Is There Anything New Every Morning?

What is new every morning when we wake up from our sleep? How the previous and new days differ in our lives? Why we call a new day, when things are routine in Nature and our lives, respectively? Are we expecting anything special every morning or day in our lives? If so what is it? What assurance do we have of a new morning or day in our life? Is there anything new on each day? Why is it known as the “New Moon,” when its dark side is toward the earth, and why we don’t call as the “New Sun” when it shines every morning?”

I’m sure answers to the above questions may differ from each person based on his or her daily experiences in life. For example, in the United State of America (USA), we have a common phrase known as “same old, same old.”  I’m sure there may be a similar phrase in different parts of the world for it. However, in the USA, the meaning of this phrase is a situation or someone’s behavior remains the same, especially when it is boring without any motivation or supervision to do a given daily task or work.  Therefore, when someone asks how he or she is doing? Usual answer would be “same old, same old.” A person who is faced with these situations or conditions for him or her, a “new morning or day ” means nothing special, since he or she treats every day the same in his or her life. Why is it so?

On the contrary, there are millions of people in the world who treat every day as a special one in his or her life due to various reasons in their lives. Why they do so? When viewing all sides of the answers, it makes one think as to why they differ?

During the weekend, some reason a concept of “new every morning” crossed my mind; therefore, I decided to write a short blog on this topic. As we know that in the corporate world, a new product or item draws a lot of people’s attention. For instance, when Apple Corporation comes out with either a new version of Smartphone, computer or electronic gadgets, there will be the huge line of people to buy it both online and at the electronic stores. How about the “New Year” celebration and its excitement, which will not last very much longer? Why don’t we have similar excitement and gratitude every new day in our lives as it is on the New Year’s Day?

We know that in the business world, leaders are looking into “new trends,” and in fact, they want to know what is “new” in the world so that new business model can be developed and implemented. As we can see that the business world is ready to adapt to the “new trend” in the market. No matter whether it is a baby boomer, millennial, Generation X or Y, the business advertisers are looking for the new trend in the market. In reality, from the human survival point of view what should be our admiration every day of our lives?

As I indicated earlier that for some, the concept of “new” is not an exciting one, and how can a person who is in the “same old, same old,” mindset adopt to the “every new morning or day” perspective in life? Is it possible for a person to have this frame of mind? I think so! Because in my opinion, hardships and difficulties in one’s life experience take its due course and reaches to a point of self-realization to achieve a new frame of mind. In other words, old and new points of view are the two sides of the same coin, meaning the dark and light side of one’s life experience.

When we think of the Moon in the sky, even though it shows the dark side, but it is known from the ancient to modern days as the “New Moon.” Why do we call the “New Moon” rather than the “Dark Moon,” when the lunar cycle repeats itself in Nature? Nonetheless, the New Moon is significant in many world religions, including the Judaism (Hebrew) calendars for the new beginning of a project, task or even life.

Even though the Moon exhibits darker side of it toward the Earth, we call it the “New Moon,” thinking there is newness within the dark side for short time, but our hope is for the “Full Moon” to appear in due course because of the Sun.

As I started to write and focus on this topic, to my surprise various other thoughts crossed my mind, such as the “New Moon” concept and its importance in the world.  This led me to look into the “Holy Bible,” since it is mentioned in various religious calendars in the world. In fact, I noticed the significance of the “New Moon” even in the Old Testament (“Holy Bible”). God on the particular “New Moon” day spoke to His prophets, and they waited upon Him for discerning His purposes in life. However, at one point God tells His people “your New Moon and your appointed feasts My soul hates; They are trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them (Isa. 1:14 NKJV).”

When we think of Israelites slavery and hardship in Egypt and Babylonian captivity (i.e., 6th Century BCE), sometimes it is very difficult for us to understand as to how they survived in spite of all kinds of adversities all along in their lives. As we know that they endured hardships in Babylon, and one of the prophets expressed his anguish and hope, rather than blaming God during this hardship times stating that “ Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed. Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, says my soul, Therefore, I hope in Him (Lam. 3:22-24 NKJV).”

Yes, for a believer in the God of the Bible, His mercies are new every morning, because He is faithful to us, despite our weakness. I think just like the prophet in Babylon whose soul expressed his anguish and hope in spite of difficulties, and likewise, any person’s soul that has experienced His compassion and faithfulness will say with his or her humble heart that “His mercies are new every morning.” In my opinion, it is His daily gift to us, and we need to take it very seriously!

Therefore, despite the adversities in our life, His mercies are fresh and new every morning of the day.  No one can just say “same old, same old,” when He provides our basic needs to survive every day in our life. There is an assurance of our living every day because of His compassion and faithfulness, and we just can’t take granted in our life. Due to the fact, the recipient of His daily mercies expresses his or her sincere gratitude for the Lord God Almighty’s help, and can boldly say “For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s (Rom. 14:8 NKJV).”

Please if you have any comments or suggestions on this topic share it. Appreciated!