Christmas Gift

Believe Vs. Disbelieve -The Final Life Choice!


Choice or decision, what comes first? Can you decide without choices? Have you ever thought about what the final only choice is in our life, and what decision we make of the given options?

If so, what is the only important choice left in our life? Is it to decide either to believe or disbelieve in the “revealed Truth” of preferences?

How do we know whether or not people who passed away, or are alive made his or her decision to choose the best option of either believing or disbelieving in the revealed Truth?

If he or she made the wrong choice of selection, and there’s no way to change it in the end. Then what would be the consequences for his or her wrong choice?

If we have the final choice is either to believe or not in the “revealed Truth,” then what would be our decision?

Does our decision to believe or not in the revealed Truth have serious outcome results in our life?

If “believe and disbelieve” are the two sides of the same coin of Truth, if you will, then which side would be our decision of choice?

As you may know that both words “choice and decision” are “nouns,” whereas words “believe and disbelieve” are “verbs.”

Meaning, the act or power of choosing or selecting from one of the given alternatives.

One might ask what does “believe” and “disbelieve” mean? According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, the word “believe” means to accept or regard something as true. Disbelieve means not believing or rejecting.

Moreover, even the law dictionary defines the word “believe” as considered to be “true or honest.” Don’t you think in legal terms when the word “believe” is considered to be “true,” then the word “disbelieve” should be opposite? Meaning, untruth and rejection, then how one can argue about the “revealed Truth” with an “untruth” reason in support, which can lead to a “guilty” verdict in the legal sense?

As we know since the last century in most of the civilized world Christmas celebration is commercialized. As a result, each person is either directly or indirectly made aware of the “revealed Truth.” For instance, during Christmas shopping, parties, gifts exchange, and special dinners, etc.

Imagine, if anyone received two special wrapped gift boxes for Christmas. When he or she unwrapped and opened the boxes with curiosity to find a written sticky note inside one of the gift boxes stated: “Believe in the revealed Truth.”

In another gift box, he or she found a similar sticky written note stating, “Disbelieve in the revealed Truth; however, with a caution to read Jesus Christ’s Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31).”

Which box do you think did the recipient accept as a Christmas gift?

As we can see that no matter how many Christmases one can celebrate and receive gifts in his or her lifetime, but how foolish one can be if he or she has not already decided after serious thinking to choose the right gift to avoid ultimate guilty verdict (Luke 16:19-31).

Likewise, when we come to the fork in the road on our life’s journey and see two written signs in front of us. One sign states, “Believe in Truth,” and another similar written sign states “Disbelieve in Truth.” Which way we would chose in our life’s journey?

On a more serious note, what assurance do we have as to which way our deceased friends, relatives, loved ones, neighbors, colleagues, and known people choose on his or her life’s journey?

Shockingly, when the “revealed Truth” is as clear as the day, and for some reason, people disbelieve in it.

In my opinion, it should be a scary thought for people who disbelieve in the “revealed Truth,” especially when anyone reads Jesus’ Parable of the “Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31).”

Fairly often for some reason, a thought on this Parable crosses my mind and I wondered if deceased people as to how and where the “Truth” rejected ones are now?

Because Jesus said, “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son (John 3:18 NKJV).” I believe this is the “revealed Truth.”

In other words, according to the Holy Bible people who don’t believe in Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son, are already pronounced guilty and sentenced to punishment (John 3:18, Mark 3:29 and Luke 16:19-31)).

Surprisingly, in my quick online search of the word “believe,” I found approximately 93 synonyms and antonyms. Synonyms, such as accept, trust, faith, and disbelieve and reject, etc., for antonyms.

In addition, I found over 9 billion people within 66 seconds searching online for the same word, while writing this blog on Friday, December 24, 2021 (i.e., on Christmas Eve).

According to the World Bank data as of December 2021, the world population is approximately 7.9 billion.

Imagine over 9 billion people in a minute are searching for the word “believe.” The reason for this word search is not clear. However, for some reason, people choose to search for this word.

Your guess is as good as mine as to how many people made their final decision of choice in life either to believe or not in the “revealed Truth.”

On the contrary, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported over 3 million total deaths in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. No one knows the exact number of deaths at the end of the year 2021.

However, an online published report stated over 5 million deaths in the year 2021 due to COVID-19 and needs to be verified.

Similarly, your guess is as good as mine as to how many deceased people made their final decision either to believe or not in the “revealed Truth.”

How about the world’s political and religious leaders, the movie and sports celebrities, including the rich and famous people? Do they believe or disbelieve in the revealed Truth?

As we know in the secular world people think and believe in other alternatives, but Jesus Christ said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.  If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him. (John 14: 6-7 NKJV).”

Jesus Christ also said, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him (John 3:17 NKJV).”

On Saturday, December 25, 2021, that is, on Christmas Day whole world was made aware of the “Way,” “Truth,” and “Life.” Now it is left for each one of us to decide to chose either to believe or disbelieve in “God’s one and only Son,” to avoid the guilty verdict.

Does your Christmas unwrapped gift box states: “believe” or “disbelieve,” with caution to read Jesus’ Parable of the “Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)?”

As we know that the uncertainly in life is unbearable; however, our life’s final choice and the journey should be made by choosing either to believe or disbelieve in the “revealed Truth.”

Make sure with a serious thought accept the right gift and take direction as stated on a sticky note inside the box, if you will, on our life’s journey.

“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them (John 3:36 NIV).”

                                              Merry Christmas!