Did You Hear Today’s Message?

Message definition by Webster’s dictionary, which is both a noun and verb is “a communication in writing, in speech, or signals. What if we don’t get the right message? What happens when we get mixed messages? What was our today’s message? How do we know whether it is the right message for us?

This morning soon after our Sunday’s church service once again I was reminded of hearing the right message in our life. As we know in a given day we’re bombarded with messages either through news media, television and radio advertisements, relatives, friends, meetings places, and shops etc.

Some reason, this Sunday morning I became very curious to know as to how many messages are given by clergies today from the church pulpit throughout the world, and how many people heard the right message?

If a believer in Son of God attends regular weekly Sunday service in a given year (i.e., 52 weeks), apart from his or her daily devotions, how many messages he or she must have heard in one’s lifetime?

For instance, the following table shows the number of messages a person at the certain age can hear in a given year:

Person’s Age Number of Messages Person’s Age Number of Messages Person’s Age Number of Messages
5 260 30 1560 55 2860
10 520 35 1820 60 3120
15 780 40 2080 65 3380
20 1040 45 2340 70 3640
25 1300 50 2600 75 3900

Based on the above information, if there is a direct correlation between age and messages heard, then spiritually we anticipate he or she must be a strong person. On the other hand, if there is an indirect correlation between age and messages heard, then it may indicate that he or she must be hearing mixed messages, and unable to discern the right one. Or, there is no correlation at all between age and messages. Meaning, God, the creator of human beings has no age limitation, and He can speak to a person at any stages of his or her life.

Along with this morning curiosity, the thought of “Holy Book” also crossed my mind. That is, how one book provided the source of messages through God’s servants throughout the world since the beginning of time? In other words, how various clergies throughout the world on each Sunday morning were able to give a series of sermons using just one book. It is interesting to note also that each clergy’s sermon is different on every Sunday, but the source of a message is the Bible. It is like a spring of water. What an astonishment?

I think for believers, what Jesus Christ said is true that is, “the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life (Jn.4:14NKJV).” In my opinion, hearing the right message has a huge impact on one’s life. Because hearing the right message leads one’s through the faithful journey, despite of various storms in life. As Apostle Paul stated that “faith comes by hearing the word of God (Rm. 10:17 NKJV).”

I hope today we the believers heard the right message!