How Concerned Are We?

Are we concerned about the well-being of our family, relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and community? If so, what would be our greatest interest or worry? Is it his or her health, wealth, success, happiness, or loss of life? Or, is there an important matter that should burden our heart, in addition to these listed things?

This morning all of a sudden once again I was reminded of my living family members, relatives, friends, colleagues, and neighbors, whom I felt might be left behind when the Son of Man comes like the lightning (Lk. 17: 24 NKJV). Why should I be concerned about it? Is it my responsibility to let him or her know about the final consequence of his or her life and/or soul? Why am I worried about each of my family member, relative, friend, and neighbor’s final destiny in his or her life?

I think, as believers, our heart should be burdened with a desire to let our ignorant family member, relative, friend, colleague or neighbor know about the final consequence of his or her soul. In fact, I’m concerned because I may lose them once for all in my life in a flash of light. Or, I may not see him or her once again in my life. I’m worried because I don’t want to see any of my non-believer family member, relative, friend, colleague, and neighbor to go through the final torment or suffering as the word of God reminds us repeatedly. Is it not a serious and scary thought?

We know some of our relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors are well-off in their worldly life, but they don’t believe in the Son of Man. Jesus Christ warned us by stating that “for what profit is to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul (Mt. 16:26 NKJV).” “Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose things be which you have provided (Lk. 12:20 NKJV)?”

What can we do? Is it possible to help each person? I think so! Because we’re blessed with the word of God, and we need to pass it on. It reminds me of a quote of John Wesley, the founder of “Methodism,” which states that “do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”

Yes, I feel it is my responsibility to pass on the word of God to non-believers as it was first passed on to my generation by none other than John Wesley. How about you? Are we passing on John Wesley’s ministry baton to the next generation? If so, it’s great!
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